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Showing 132 news items about Scottish Budget

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  1. Emergency Budget Review

    Panel of experts to inform the way forward.

  2. Call for targeted action on soaring energy bills

    Chancellor urged not to pass on costs to struggling households.

  3. ‘Hard choices’ to prioritise spending

    Half a billion savings identified to tackle cost crisis.

  4. Managing Scotland’s finances

    Maintaining a balanced budget to fund key priorities.

  5. Victims will benefit from key support

    £48m funding underlines government commitment.

  6. New vision for justice

    Victims placed at the heart of ensuring just, safe, and resilient communities.

  7. Further talks on fiscal reform

    Clarity needed on Barnett consequentials.

  8. Funding boost for local councils

    Additional £120 million follows funding assurance.

  9. Scottish Budget 2022-23 Stage One

    Finance Secretary urges MSPs to back spending plans.

  10. Funding of £12.5 billion for local councils

    Support for vital public services.

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