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Showing 592 news items about Communities and third sector

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  1. Veterans’ partnership steps up

    Support for former services personnel on medical appointments. 

  2. Funding for rural communities

    Community-led projects to get £3 million funding boost.

  3. EU replacement funding 60% shortfall

    Minister says Shared Prosperity Fund ‘fails communities’.

  4. Budget protects rural and island economy

    Payments to farmers made early to mitigate cost of living crisis.

  5. Shetland power restored

    Cabinet Secretary praises recovery effort and community resilience. 

  6. Support for island communities

    £1.4 million Cost Crisis Emergency Fund launched.

  7. Funding for self-build homes

    £6 million loan fund reopens for applications.

  8. Charities Bill published

    Improvements and updates to increase transparency and accountability.

  9. Video consultation scheme for patients rolled out to community hubs

    Up to 40,000 consultations taking place every month.

  10. £65 million support for drugs services

    Frontline and third sector organisations invited to apply.

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