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Showing all 7651 news items

  1. Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses Bill introduced

    Environment Secretary outlines new animal welfare measures.

  2. Modernising forestry

    Forestry and Land Management Bill introduced to parliament.

  3. New police code

    Fairness and respect key to police ‘stop and search’ powers.

  4. Scotland's first missing persons framework

    Cooperation key to helping 30,000 people that go missing every year.

  5. Quarterly National Accounts Scotland, 2016 Q4

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. £43m for low-carbon infrastructure projects

    First Minister announces direct energy investment.

  7. British Transport Police

    Integration with Police Scotland moves closer.

  8. Forensic medical services

    Transforming the response for victims of sexual assault.

  9. Scotland’s first urban right to buy

    Consent granted for Portobello church purchase.

  10. DFM: Education reform 'now imperative'

    Action to improve literacy.

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