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Showing all 7653 news items

  1. Rural Affairs Secretary to address farmers’ union

    New payment scheme to support animal health and welfare launched.

  2. Case review on management of a transgender prisoner

    Women were not at risk from harm

  3. £500,000 emergency funding for Türkiye and Syria.

    Funding to support humanitarian aid efforts.

  4. Consultation opens on additional properties tax

    Views sought on exemptions.

  5. Carer Support Payment to be piloted by the end of this year

    Timetable for introduction of future benefits confirmed.  

  6. Protecting teacher numbers and school hours

    Measures to safeguard education.

  7. Transforming vacant and derelict land

    Fifteen projects share £10 million.

  8. Supporting New Scots

    £1.6 million awarded to refugee strategy.

  9. Winter pressures on health and social care

    Resilience committee holds further meeting.

  10. Reducing emissions from waste

    Keeping plastic out of incinerators will help meet climate targets.

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