Statistics and research

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Showing 221 publications about Marine and fisheries

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  1. Scottish salmon and sea trout fishery statistics 2023

    Summary of the salmon and sea trout fishery catch statistics updated for the 2023 season.

  2. Fishers - strategies and choices: feasibility study

    This social research publication explores what influences the decision making of Scottish fishers. It presents findings from twelve interviews with fishers. The main findings are focused on the social, economic, governance, and environmental drivers in fishers’ decision making.

  3. Benthic Species ScotMER Receptor Group

    The Benthic Species ScotMER Receptor Group is concerned with evidence gaps related to the benthic species and habitats.

  4. Diadromous Fish ScotMER Receptor Group

    The Diadromous Fish ScotMER Receptor Group is concerned with evidence gaps related to the health, distribution, and impacts on Diadromous fish (salmon, sea trout, etc.).

  5. Fish and Fisheries ScotMER Receptor Group

    The Fish and Fisheries ScotMER Receptor Group is concerned with evidence gaps related to fish ecology and the fishing industry.

  6. Marine Mammals ScotMER Receptor Group

    The Marine Mammals ScotMER Receptor Group is concerned with evidence gaps related to marine mammal ecology and the potential impacts of offshore renewables on marine mammals.

  7. Ornithology ScotMER Receptor Group

    The Ornithology ScotMER Receptor Group is concerned with evidence gaps related to seabird ecology and the potential impacts of offshore renewables on seabirds.

  8. Socioeconomic ScotMER Receptor Group

    The Socioeconomic ScotMER Receptor Group is concerned with evidence gaps related to any potential social and economic impacts of offshore renewable developments.

  9. Scottish Islands Typology: overview 2024

    This report outlines the Scottish Islands Typology (2024). It classifies Scotland’s islands into ten categories based on combinations of population, access to local amenities, and access to mainland Scotland. It offers an alternative way to compare the differences and similarities between islands.

  10. The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland's Economy - Evidence Base & Policy Levers

    This report presents evidence and initial recommendations on how the Scottish Government could use the available policy levers to support the transformations in Scotland’s economy needed to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies.

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