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Showing all 7661 news items

  1. Foster carers appeal

    Bid to increase numbers.

  2. Annual health checks

    Funding to support people with learning disabilities.

  3. Encouraging manufacturing innovation

    Fund will support ideas to reduce emissions and cut waste.

  4. £3 million awarded to long COVID projects

    Targeted support based on views of patients and clinicians. 

  5. Mesh reimbursement fund opens in June

    Removal surgery costs to be repaid.

  6. School uniform: have your say

    New national guidance to be developed.

  7. “Significant achievement” in delivery of social security

    More than £3.9 billion to benefit 1 million people in 2022-23

  8. Carbon Neutral Islands named

    Six islands to become carbon neutral by 2040.

  9. Child Disability Payment pays out more than £3m since launch

    Payments made to over 3,000 children and young people across Scotland.

  10. FOI handling

    Response to Scottish Information Commissioner report.

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