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Showing all 7651 news items

  1. £5 million to develop carbon dioxide utilisation technology

    CO2 Utilisation Challenge Fund launched.

  2. Public views on adding calories to menus

    Healthier options when eating out.

  3. New interim Director-General Economy

    Louise Macdonald joins Scottish Government to lead delivery of economic transformation.

  4. Preparing for future pandemics

    Chair appointed to committee.

  5. Three new Non-Executive Directors for Scottish Government

    New Non-Executive Directors appointed

  6. Support for fishing businesses and coastal communities

    Next round of funding announced.

  7. Awareness raising of NHS rape and sexual assault service launched

    Improving healthcare choices and support.

  8. Strengthening sanctions on Russia

    Procurement guidance for public bodies.

  9. Scottish Child Payment doubles

    104,000 children have payment increased to £20 per week.

  10. Supporting and celebrating local produce

    Developing regional food and drink projects across Scotland.

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