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Showing all 7646 news items

  1. Improved support for Scotland’s unpaid carers

    Plans for a new benefit.

  2. Removing face coverings in classrooms

    Call to remain vigilant.

  3. Ambitious plans to transform Scotland’s economy

    Economy Secretary says the next decade is decisive for Scotland’s economy.

  4. Working together against cyber crime

    New co-ordination centre to tackle cyber threats

  5. Minister writes to Russian Ambassador

    Letter condemning Ukraine invasion.

  6. Investing in sustainable green finances

    Taskforce to create world leading green financial industry.  

  7. More than 1,000 Housing First tenancies

    Settled homes for people with complex needs.

  8. Additional funding for Community mental health

    £6 million to meet demand for mental health projects.  

  9. Hunting with Dogs Bill introduced to parliament

    New legislation to protect wildlife.

  10. “Unsung heroes” of COVID-19 response

    National volunteering hub oversees 7,000 shifts in first year

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