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Showing all 7650 news items

  1. Tackling violence against women and girls

    Equally Safe strategy refreshed.

  2. Reducing domestic homicides and suicides

    New approach gets overwhelming backing.

  3. Social Security in an independent Scotland

    Plans to deliver a fairer system with more positive outcomes.

  4. Judicial Factors Bill introduced

    Legislation to reform ‘outdated’ law.

  5. Supporting Further and Higher Education and skills

    Minister sets out next steps in reform of post-school funding arrangements.

  6. Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022: Highlights from Scotland’s results

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  7. First Minister: “Scotland’s leadership paves the way for loss and damage funding”

    £2 million loss and damage pledge unlocks over $650 million globally.

  8. Scottish education maintains international standing

    Global study of reading, maths and science assessments.

  9. Scottish Prison Population Statistics 2022-23

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

  10. Business can lead the just transition

    Workforce skills can diversify. 

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