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Showing all 7651 news items

  1. First Minister addresses parliament on Manchester attack

    This afternoon, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon gave a statement to the Scottish Parliament about the Manchester terrorist attack.

  2. Employment level (16+) in Scotland increased to the highest level on record

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  3. Manchester Incident

    First Minister statement on Manchester incident.

  4. Record-breaking year for foreign direct investment

    Scotland retains top UK region status outside London for foreign direct investment.

  5. Agreement reached in college dispute

    DFM welcomes confirmation by EIS and College Employers' Association.

  6. Protection for living reef

    Loch Carron flame shell beds designated as Marine Protected Area.

  7. Extra investment in emergency care

    Funding to improve unscheduled care performance.

  8. Surge in overseas visitors

    Tourism boost strongly supported by visitors from North America.

  9. Living Wage

    800th Living Wage employer accredited.

  10. Further fall in organic land

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

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