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Showing all 7653 news items

  1. Reducing re-traumatisation in justice system

    New approach to better support victims and witnesses.

  2. Increasing childcare in disadvantaged areas

    £4.5 million for after school and holiday clubs.

  3. Tackling poverty and inequality

    “Nothing off the table” as anti-poverty summit meets.

  4. Boosting Fuel Insecurity Fund

    Support for those who need it most.

  5. Protecting Scotland’s interests

    Response to Foreign Office letter on international visits by Scottish Ministers.

  6. Collective effort to tackle poverty

    First Minister convenes anti-poverty summit.

  7. Delivering thriving local communities

    Consultation on planning guidance.

  8. Monthly GDP Estimates for February

    An experimental statistics publication for Scotland

  9. Putting victims and witnesses at heart of justice system

    Legislative reforms introduced to Parliament.

  10. Protecting those fleeing violence in Sudan

    Call to provide safe routes for people in need of protection.

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