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Showing all 7650 news items

  1. International exports rise by £1 billion

    Membership of new Trade Board confirmed

  2. Scotland’s Exports Increase

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  3. UK Supreme Court ruling

    Consent of the Scottish Parliament must be sought on Brexit

  4. The future of energy in Scotland

    Draft strategy outlines ambitious vision for a modern, low carbon Scotland.

  5. NHS dental registrations rise

    4.9m people now registered.

  6. Record high for college courses

    More full-time students successfully complete recognised qualifications.

  7. Offshore wind

    Response to Offshore Wind Programme Board on offshore wind costs

  8. Greater power for Scotland's communities.

    Community Empowerment Act

  9. Baby Box designs revealed

    Final shortlist for Scotland’s Baby Box design.

  10. Brexit, food and farming

    Cabinet Secretary highlights threat of leaving the European Single Market on food and farming industries.

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