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Showing all 7650 news items

  1. Historical adoption practices: A formal apology

    Heartbreak of mothers who were forced to give up babies.

  2. Public sector pay strategy published

    Proposals ‘balance fairness with affordability and fiscal sustainability’.

  3. Wildlife management legislation introduced to Parliament

    New laws to protect wildlife and biodiversity.

  4. Views sought on school learning hours

    Public consultation launched.

  5. Scotland’s Carbon Footprint: 1998-2019

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. Minimum Unit Pricing reducing alcohol deaths

    Report estimates the policy has saved hundreds of lives.

  7. Emergency Mobile Phone Alerts

    Scotland to take part in UK trial of warning system.

  8. Green freeports tax relief

    Incentivising long-term investment.

  9. Building new links with the Arctic

    Arctic Frontiers Abroad conference takes place in Aberdeen.

  10. Support for equalities and human rights groups

    Funded organisations report on progress.

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