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Showing all 7651 news items

  1. Scottish Emissions of Air Pollutants - 2014 Results

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  2. Stability in new housing supply

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  3. £200 million investment for rural economy

    First Minister announces funding for 100 new jobs.

  4. Support for Young Farmers

    £7 million funding to support new businesses.

  5. 50/50 by 2020 takes centre stage

    Performing companies sign gender balance pledge.

  6. Increase in Bank Loans to Scottish Farming

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  7. Making Maths Count final report

    Actions to improve learning, teaching and enjoyment of subject.

  8. Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2015

    Marine Scotland Science survey published.

  9. Scotland riding the wave of tidal innovation

    Turbines for world’s first large-scale tidal energy farm ready.

  10. Scotland's Land

    Register will show who controls land.

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