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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Quarterly Housing Statistics, October 2022

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  2. Emergency protections for tenants

    Bill to freeze rents and safeguard against evictions.

  3. Covid-19 Public Inquiry

    Lady Poole to step down as Chair

  4. Putting people at the heart of social care

     National Care Service Forum will let the real experts help shape reforms.

  5. UK mini-budget a “huge gamble on health of economy”

    Urgent meeting sought with Chancellor.

  6. Licensing scheme opens for short-term lets

    Measures to establish consistent standards across the country.

  7. Neonatal deaths review announced

    Increased rate of deaths to be investigated.

  8. School pupils lead the journey to net zero

    First Minister addresses Climate Action Week National School Assembly.

  9. A new story for Dementia

    Voices of people with dementia, their families and carers to shape new strategy.

  10. Emergency Budget Review

    Leading economists to give expert advice.

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