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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Bail and Release from Custody (Scotland) Bill passed

    Reforms to bail and prison release to benefit victims.

  2. Hayward review published

    Considering the future of qualifications and assessment.

  3. Future agricultural support

    Rural Affairs Secretary to address farmers at Royal Highland Show.

  4. New firework laws come into force

    Powers to help improve firework safety.

  5. Use of Asulox for bracken control

    Risks outweigh the potential benefits.

  6. Council Tax Collection Statistics, 2022-23

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  7. New estimates explore emissions and nitrogen use on Scottish farms

    An experimental statistics publication.

  8. Update on Medication Assisted Treatment Standards

    Minister welcomes report which highlights substantial progress.  

  9. Crime remains at historically low-levels

    Delivering a safer Scotland for everyone.

  10. Designing a National Care Service

    First of summer events to let people have their say.

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