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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. COVID-19 spring booster programme underway

    At-risk groups offered additional dose.

  2. Raising awareness of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Campaign to highlight symptoms of Crohn’s and Colitis.

  3. Supporting outdoor play

    Planning reforms to boost play provision.

  4. Scotland Loves Local goes digital

    £250,000 boost to gift card initiative.

  5. Fife National Treatment Centre

    First Minister opens new £33 million facility.

  6. Funding boost for the marine sector

    Support package of up to £14 million announced.

  7. Renewing Scotland’s play parks

    £50 million investment.

  8. £400,000 storm aid for Malawi

    Emergency relief funding following record-breaking storm.

  9. Supporting Scotland’s small producers

    New Fund to help grow local supply chains.

  10. Poverty levels broadly stable

    Latest National and Official Statistics published.

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