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Showing all 7664 news items

  1. Scottish Budget Bill passed

    Further support for councils, culture sector and island ferries.

  2. Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce

    Building a sustainable and skilled workforce.

  3. Supporting women in entrepreneurship

    Report identifies 31 ways to reduce gender gap and boost economy.

  4. Helping families with their living costs

    Extra funding to help offset UK Government benefit cap.

  5. A social contract with Scotland

    Final stage of 2023-24 Budget Bill.

  6. Solidarity with Ukraine

    Minister with special responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine marks a year of the war against Ukraine.

  7. 250,000 Baby Boxes delivered

    Supporting parents with cost of living.

  8. Ending the sale of peat in Scotland

    Phasing out use of peat to protect the environment.

  9. Help available to boost family incomes

    Parents urged to seek help with employment.

  10. Funding to help nature projects grow

    Supporting and scaling up responsible investment in nature.

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