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Showing all 7662 news items

  1. Scottish trade outperforming other UK nations

    Office for National Statistics data indicates “very positive” signs for Scotland.

  2. Charities Regulation Bill passed

    Strengthening charity law and maintaining public trust.

  3. Post-school education and skills

    Key reforms and actions announced.

  4. Monthly GDP Estimates for April

    An experimental statistics publication for Scotland

  5. Council Tax Reduction supports over 450,000 households

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. New strategy to tackle litter scourge published

    Tougher sanctions for flytipping.

  7. Advancing children’s rights

    Update on incorporating UN Convention into Scots law.

  8. Inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs

    FM announces blueprint to drive innovation in universities and colleges.

  9. Quarterly Housing Statistics, June 2023

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  10. Reconviction Statistics 2019-20

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

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