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Showing 439 news items about Children and families

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  1. Delivering on child poverty commitments

    Report details investment and actions in key areas.

  2. Celebrating five years of the Baby Box

    Revamp ahead of scheme’s milestone.

  3. Use of physical intervention in schools

    Consultation on draft guidance.

  4. Cost of living top of the agenda for Finance Ministers

    Finance Interministerial Standing Committee.

  5. School Age Payment applications open

    Extra money to help with the costs when a child is set to start school

  6. New benefit to help with winter fuel bills

    Low Income Winter Heating Assistance will support 400,000 households.

  7. Prioritising national mission to tackle child poverty

    Record social security investment in Resource Spending Review.

  8. Setting spending priorities for a stronger Scotland

    Resource Spending Review to be published.

  9. Protecting children’s rights

    Next steps for landmark legislation.

  10. Family Nurse Partnerships

    Success of 10 year programme

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