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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Investing in nature

    New funding to help projects grow.

  2. Agreement powering onshore wind development

    Enhanced commitment by developers to community benefits.

  3. Travelling Cabinet

    Inveraray to host Cabinet public discussion.

  4. Scottish Parliament approves final extension of tenant protections

    Rent cap to be extended for up to six months.

  5. Minimum Unit Pricing Consultation

    Views sought on increased level of 65p.

  6. Keeping people safe and secure online

    £500,000 funding for communities.  

  7. Improving digital connectivity

    Enhancing broadband in new builds.

  8. Crime remains at lowest levels in 50 years

    Delivering safer communities.

  9. Recorded Crime in Scotland, year ending June 2023

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

  10. First Minister announces up to £2.5 million to boost global health

    Support for partner countries to tackle non-communicable diseases.

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