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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Single use plastics ban

    Scotland becomes first UK nation to ban problematic plastics.

  2. Resource Spending Review

    Plans to invest in Scotland’s future.

  3. Scotland leads UK on university students from deprived areas

    Widening access an “unambiguous success”.

  4. Scotland leading UK on investment

    Foreign direct investment (FDI) results in Scotland strongly outperform UK as a whole.

  5. Residential rehabilitation study published.

    Review finds positive outcomes associated with the treatment.

  6. Consultations on Circular Economy launched

    New measures will help cut waste and preserve precious resources.

  7. Restorative justice launch

    New national hubs pave way.

  8. Dementia advisory panel

    Policy to be shaped by people living with dementia.

  9. Setting spending priorities for a stronger Scotland

    Resource Spending Review to be published.

  10. UK Government broadcasting plans 'hugely detrimental'

    Minister raises concern about impacts on creative industries.

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