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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Funding Gaelic projects

    £4 million in capital investment for Gaelic education and community initiatives. 

  2. Human Rights Bill consultation

    Incorporating United Nations treaties into domestic law.

  3. New cancer strategy launched to improve survival

    Ten year plan to tackle disease.

  4. Publication of Scotland Natural Capital Accounts: 2023

    An Official Statistics Publication - Experimental Statistics

  5. Carbon Neutral Islands project reaches major milestone

    Community Climate Action Plans unveiled.

  6. New Chief Constable

    Justice Secretary Angela Constance comments as first woman appointed to role.

  7. Circular Economy Bill published

    New powers will reduce waste and grow green economy.

  8. Supporting the next generation of farmers

    Success of Starter Farm Initiative.

  9. Transport role expanded

    Fiona Hyslop becomes Transport Minister.

  10. Progress in tackling child poverty

    Report published on Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan.

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