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Showing all 7664 news items

  1. Scottish economy contracts 0.2%

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  2. Scottish investment fund opens in the US

    $125m transatlantic health tech investment fund launches.

  3. Loan scheme for vulnerable farmers

    Rural Secretary confirms £50 million loans for farmers in less favoured areas.

  4. Funding for women in business doubled

    First Minister’s day of engagements in California.

  5. Extra funds for sport

    £2m support for governing bodies.

  6. Exploring differences in experience - Inpatient Experience Survey – 2016

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

  7. Planning decision times published

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

  8. Scotland and California tackling climate change

    Scotland strengthens commitment in response to Paris Agreement.

  9. Controlled trial of electrofishing

    Research to explore new opportunities for razor clam fishing.

  10. £30 million announced to help makes homes warmer

    Interest-free loans now available to help reduce fuel bills

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