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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. New protected marine areas announced

    Two new Marine Protection Areas for Fair Isle and Firth of Clyde.

  2. Insolvencies in Scotland stabilise

    Accountant in Bankruptcy figures for second quarter of 2016/17 show little movement after sustained decline.

  3. Return to work

    New scheme to help women back into the workplace.

  4. Personal insolvencies remain stable

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

  5. Scottish retail sales grow 2.1 per cent

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. Strong support for single market

    First Minister urges all-Scotland coalition

  7. Heathrow expansion

    Ministerial comment on expansion at Heathrow Airport

  8. Crofting Commission

    Elections regulations put before parliament.

  9. Righting the wrongs of historic discriminatory law

    Same-sex sexual activity now lawful to be pardoned.

  10. Review of skills & enterprise services

    New reforms to raise economic performance.

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