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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Expanding tagging sentences

    Increased monitoring, greater support and new technologies tested.

  2. Europe and the environment

    Environment Secretary welcomes roundtable on impact of referendum.

  3. First Minister to speak at Arctic Circle Assembly

    FM to deliver keynote speech on Scotland’s approach to climate justice this week.

  4. Over £3 million to improve passenger comfort and accessibility on our railways

    Funding awarded through the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government.

  5. Food project funding

    Multimillion pound boost for food and drink processing sector.

  6. Green space funding

    £8.25 million EU green infrastructure fund announced.

  7. £1.5m for Community Choices Fund

    People to have more say on how money is spent.

  8. Child and adolescent mental health

    Funding to extend family pilot scheme.

  9. EU action on climate change

    Environment Secretary welcomes European Union agreement.

  10. Bee Disease Confirmed

    American Foulbrood detected Tarland, Aberdeenshire

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