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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Economic growth

    GDP figures for second quarter of 2016.

  2. Scottish economy grows 0.4%

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  3. Ending human trafficking

    Strategy to focus on breaking up trafficking groups and supporting victims.

  4. Joint Ministerial Working Group on Welfare

    Communique on the meeting of Scottish and UK Governments.

  5. World class bridge breaks world record

    Queensferry Crossing centre tower is largest ever structure of its type

  6. Schools rise to reading challenge

    Children embrace love of books.

  7. From aid to investment

    £2 million investment to grow local businesses in Malawi.

  8. World gender equality

    Speed mentoring event for UN International Day of the Girl.

  9. Homicide in Scotland, 2015-16

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  10. Homicides fall to record low

    Matheson: work goes on to keep driving down violent crime.

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