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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Extra support for mental health at work

    Employers given tools to understand and improve mental health of workers.

  2. Improving cancer waiting times

    £10 million allocated to speed up cancer services.

  3. University places for most deprived at record high

    Tackling the attainment gap.

  4. Results Day 2022

    Near record pass rates for National 5s, Highers and Advanced Highers in an exam year.

  5. Action needed to address cost of living crisis

    First Minister calls for emergency meeting on cost of living crisis.

  6. Additional funding for three 75th anniversary Edinburgh festivals

    Celebrating Scotland’s world-leading cultural brands. 

  7. Cyber security boosted

    Training to help safeguard organisations from attack.

  8. Agri sector leads the way in sustainability with audit demand

    Specialist advice available for farming sector.

  9. Scotland at Hannover Messe Expo

    Energy businesses lead the way at global event.

  10. Controlling short-term lets

    Planning permission required for Edinburgh’s short-term let conversions.

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