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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Urology hub bringing down waiting lists

    Redesigned service is part of £70 million recovery plan.

  2. Scottish golf backed by £3m funding

    Minister highlights benefits of support for unprecedented summer of golf.

  3. Plans to introduce regulation of dermal fillers

    Consultation overwhelmingly backs tighter regulation of non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

  4. Helping families stay together

    Keeping the Promise.

  5. Appointment of Chief Entrepreneur

    Embedding entrepreneurship in the economy.

  6. New national targets to tackle long waits for planned care

    Ambitious targets to end long waits.  

  7. Reference to the Supreme Court on independence referendum published

    Lord Advocate requested decision to establish Scottish Parliament powers.

  8. Ambitious proposals for land reform

    Consultation on new legislation launches.  

  9. Improving rural connectivity

    Enhanced 4G mobile phone coverage programme reaches halfway point.

  10. Thalidomide Health Grant extended

    Lifelong support announced for survivors.

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