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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Ferry wage deal

    Pay issue resolved on Northern Isles freight vessels

  2. Student numbers increase in Higher Education

    Higher Education Minister welcomes HESA statistics.

  3. Press regulation

    Culture Secretary sets out Scotland’s position on press regulation.

  4. Spotting the signs of domestic abuse

    New video to help professionals tackle ‘hidden crime’.

  5. Forth Road Bridge to remain closed to all vehicles as recovery operation continues

    Repairs underway but recovery challenging due to weather conditions

  6. Top of the physics class

    Science Minister meets winners of Higgs Prize for Physics.

  7. Forth Road Bridge closure highlights danger of ignoring weather warnings

    Severe weather warnings remain in place for next three days

  8. Funding for international clinical research

    Malawi and Glasgow healthcare project addresses shared global challenges.

  9. Improving trauma care in Scotland

    £5 million to support implementation of new Scottish Trauma Network.

  10. Stop and search

    Need for fairness and respect in use of police ‘stop and search’ powers.

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