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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Celebrating food and drink success

    New year cheer for Scotland’s Food and Drink.

  2. Employment support

    New powers on employability for the new year.

  3. Have your say on schools

    Final chance to submit views on governance reform.

  4. Ferry access improvements

    Second round of Ferries Accessibility Fund awards

  5. Budget for land reform increased

    Increased funding to shape future land reform measures and provide greater transparency.

  6. Infected blood support

    Hundreds receive increased payments.

  7. Investing in farming

    Research helping to improve industry.

  8. More power from locally-owned renewables

    Solar capacity doubles.

  9. St Kilda census discovery

    New document sheds light on UNESCO site.

  10. Grit In Plentiful Supply

    More road salt available than last year

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