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Showing all 7664 news items

  1. Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014/15: Drug Use Statistics

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland

  2. Innovation Fund doubled

    £3.5 million for improving attainment.

  3. Scotland in Europe

    Rural Economy Secretary tells EU Farming Ministers Scotland committed to Europe.

  4. Breast screening review

    HIS to undertake review of screening programme.

  5. National Cremation Investigation

    Report on historic cremation practices published.

  6. Fair Food Fund Open For Business

    Money will be used to help address food poverty

  7. EU Referendum

    First Minister says Scotland will engage with Europe.

  8. Supporting veterans into work

    Funding marks Armed Forces Day.

  9. New markets for meat

    Rural Economy Secretary: urgent need for fair share of red meat levies.

  10. Plans for second rail strike

    Public urged to plan ahead.

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