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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Organic growth ambition

    Rural Economy Secretary announces fund to strengthen Scottish organics sector.

  2. Further fall in organic land

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  3. Teacher training for oil and gas workers

    Scheme guarantees teaching job.

  4. Brown: UK Gov must do more on oil and gas exploration

    March budget was “missed opportunity” to help sector.

  5. Staying connected

    Plan to improve and increase mobile connectivity.

  6. Standardised assessments will not add to workload

    Deputy First Minister confirms online system will deliver results for pupils.

  7. Queen's Birthday Honours List 2016

    Recipients of Queen’s Fire, Police and Ambulance Service medals in Scotland

  8. Queen's Birthday Honours List 2016

    Recipients of the Queen’s Birthday Honours in Scotland

  9. Tackling hate crime

    New figures on hate crime, religiously-aggravated and offensive behaviour charges.

  10. Tackling poverty

    New powers can help address inequalities.

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