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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Mental health festive support

    Help for those who may need it.

  2. Community justice in action

    Unpaid workers give back at Christmas.

  3. Moray maternity services

    Return to consultant-led care at Dr Gray’s hospital.

  4. Gender Recognition Reform Bill passed

    Improving the legal recognition system for trans people.

  5. New Parole Board Rules

    Changes make rules simpler and clearer.

  6. Reform of legal services regulation

    Modernisation plans centred on the public interest.

  7. Funding of more than £13.2 billion for councils

    New deal for local government as allocations published.

  8. Agreement on social rents for 2023-24

    Landlords announce plans for average increases.

  9. Supporting a renewables revolution

    Commitment to develop onshore wind generation confirmed.

  10. Call for immediate action to end UK rail dispute

    First Minister and STUC urge all parties to get round the negotiating table to end disruption.

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