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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Investing in social security

    Budget focus on child poverty.

  2. Record 91% of college leavers in positive destinations

    Minister welcomes figures showing more students are finding work.

  3. Record £19 billion for Health and Social Care

    Supporting fair pay and sustainable services

  4. Update on Shetland power outage

    Minister chairs further resilience meeting.

  5. Tax changes to support Scotland’s vital public services

    Revenue to deliver £1 billion uplift in NHS funding.

  6. Scottish Budget 2023-24

    Strengthening the social contract with Scotland’s people.

  7. A Budget for a fair Scotland

    Spending plan will protect families and public services.

  8. Winter vaccines reminder for eligible groups.

    Hospitalisations for COVID-19 and flu increasing.

  9. Electoral reform consultation opens

    Views sought to strengthen democracy.

  10. Protecting habitats and species

    Biodiversity funding announced during COP15.

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