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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Private Sector Rent Statistics, 2010 to 2022

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  2. Funding to build affordable homes

    Multimillion pound loan scheme for social landlords relaunches.

  3. Recognising excellence and innovation in manufacturing

    Company receives First Minister’s Award for Manufacturing Leadership.

  4. Hosts for displaced people from Ukraine

    Call for volunteers in Scotland.

  5. More choice for people experiencing homelessness

    Legislation to suspend local connection rules.

  6. Increasing residential rehabilitation capacity

    Fund reopens for applications.

  7. Norway-UK negotiations conclude

    Increased monkfish quota important for Scotland’s fishers

  8. NHS staff offered record high pay rise

    Average uplift of 7.5% the highest offer in the UK.

  9. Health Board escalation

    Additional support for NHS Forth Valley.

  10. Ferguson Marine Port Glasgow board chairman appointed

    Former airport chair takes post.

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