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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Strengthening the role of women in climate action

    Funding to ensure women from Global South have say on climate.

  2. Scottish Prison Population Statistics 2021-22

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland 16 November 2022.

  3. Charities Bill published

    Improvements and updates to increase transparency and accountability.

  4. Scotland leads global action for nature.

    Environment Minister welcomes international support for Edinburgh Declaration.

  5. Warning against a return to austerity

    Calls for inflationary uplift to Scottish Budget.

  6. Acts of heroism recognised by First Minister

    Sixteen people receive a Brave@Heart Award.

  7. Retained EU Law Bill should be ‘withdrawn completely’

    Alternative amendments proposed if legislation goes ahead.

  8. Innovative health technology helping patients

    More than 5,000 procedures performed.

  9. Scotland to push energy, nature and justice at COP27

    Energy security relies on shifting from fossil fuels, says Environment Minister.

  10. Scottish Child Payment increased

    Extension opens benefit to more than 400,000 children.

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