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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. New approach to international affairs

    Global Affairs Framework launched.

  2. Tackling inequalities through economic recovery

    Centre of Expertise in Equality and Human Rights established.

  3. Removing barriers to employment

    Supporting people into work.

  4. £15 million for second year of fund

    Community mental health fund supports nearly 2,000 projects.

  5. GDP Quarterly National Accounts for 2021 Quarter 4

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. Next steps to improve regulation of aquaculture

    Changes to licensing and Ministerial task group set up.

  7. Preparing for sustainable farming

    Helping to futureproof farms.

  8. Extension to Scotland’s Census

    Public encouraged to complete returns.

  9. New ‘stay at home’ guidance published

    Changes from 1 May.

  10. End of the Highest Risk List

    List to close on 31 May.

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