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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Blue Economy Vision launch

    Move to make Scotland a global leader in marine management.

  2. £3.2m to strengthen remand alternatives

    Bail supervision and assessment support.

  3. Persistent poverty stable

    Latest Official Statistics published

  4. Charges on single-use drinks cups

    Coffee cup charge plans re-introduced.

  5. New Health and Social Care Standards for care homes

    Reinforcing the rights of residents to have visits and care from loved ones.

  6. Improving Moray maternity services

    Return to consultant-led obstetric unit.

  7. Transforming the care system

    Actions to deliver The Promise by 2030.

  8. Update on COVID-19 regulations

    Face covering rules to change.

  9. Victims will benefit from key support

    £48m funding underlines government commitment.

  10. Supporting headteachers

    £520 million to help close attainment gap.

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