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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Scottish Child Payment doubles

    104,000 children have payment increased to £20 per week.

  2. Supporting and celebrating local produce

    Developing regional food and drink projects across Scotland.

  3. Improving lives through employment support

    Further funding to provide a route out of poverty.

  4. £25 million funding for drugs services

    Almost 80 projects set to benefit.

  5. Boosting broadband access

    Five more companies to support future proofed broadband.

  6. Strengthening bonds with US and Canada

    Cabinet Secretary engagements in North America.

  7. Vision for Trade annual report

    A responsible approach to global markets.

  8. Promoting responsible investment in Scotland’s natural assets

    New principles to develop a socially fairer, high-integrity market.

  9. Council Tax discounts protected under Ukraine sponsorship scheme

    Legislation to prevent households paying more.

  10. Embedding entrepreneurialism

    Industry roundtable to focus on delivering economic ambitions.

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