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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Social enterprises on world stage

    International strategy to boost £1.68 billion sector’s profile.

  2. £450,000 to support Scottish libraries

    21 projects allocated funding to improve services as part of PFG pledge.

  3. Capital spending boost

    Multimillion pound projects brought forward.

  4. £500m new support for businesses

    First Minister sets out Programme for Government.

  5. Campaign to boost cervical screening numbers

    All eligible women urged to attend.

  6. Fewer procedures cancelled

    Figures for July 2016 published.

  7. A&E performance

    Monthly and weekly figures published.

  8. Latest NHS workforce statistics

    Rise in number of nurses and consultants under this Government.

  9. Mental health statistics

    Continued rise in number of young patients.

  10. Record new schools this year

    29 Schools for the Future buildings in 2016-17.

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