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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Driving innovation

    100 new bus building jobs created with record R&D grant.

  2. Funding to tackle food poverty

    21 projects get share of £900,000

  3. Delivering on our promises

    FM to set out five year vision to improve lives of people across Scotland.

  4. Record turnover for food & drink

    Food manufacturing growing twice as fast as UK average.

  5. Infected blood working group

    Report recommends awareness campaign.

  6. £500,000 Small Grants Programme opens

    Support for international development agencies in Scotland.

  7. International Council of Education Advisers

    Closing the attainment gap focus of discussions over two days.

  8. eBuildingStandards service launches

    New service to save time and money.

  9. Refugees milestone

    1,000 refugees welcomed to Scotland.

  10. Fisheries funding

    Seafood sector to benefit from £11.4 million.

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