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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. £700,000 airson e-Sgoil nan Eilean Siar

    Cruthaichidh teagasg didseatach ceanglaichean eadar sgoiltean dùthchail.

  2. GERS figures published

    First Minister: “Choice is between economic recovery or economic retreat."

  3. Government Expenditure & Revenue Scotland 2015-16

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  4. £700,000 for Western Isles e-Sgoil

    Digital teaching to link up rural schools.

  5. Empowering our islands

    Islands Bill announced.

  6. Inverness Road Scheme Options

    Locals and road users have the opportunity to see Transport Scotland’s plans for a new link road between Inshes and Smithton in Inverness.

  7. Vision for fishing

    Fisheries Secretary to “champion” industry.

  8. Fall in hospital mortality

    HSMR statistics published.

  9. Brexit research shows economic risk to Scotland

    Analysis highlights economic implications of being outside EU.

  10. Groundbreaking D&G Transport Summit

    Transport Review announced to support Scottish economy

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