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Showing all 7661 news items

  1. Latest Waiting Times Performance

    £2 million to reduce outpatient waits.

  2. 750 more NHS staff planned for 2016/17

    Health board workforce projections published.

  3. IVF performance on target

    Access to treatment expands.

  4. Patient satisfaction continues to rise

    Inpatient experience survey published.

  5. Inpatient Experience Survey – 2016

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. Brexit threat to human rights

    Standing Council on Europe discusses impact on social protections.

  7. Social attitudes survey

    Results show huge appetite for community involvement.

  8. Funding for peace training

    FM confirms up to £300,000 for women in resolution roles.

  9. Driving our rural economy

    Series of summits to discuss investment and actions.

  10. Labour Market Strategy

    Boosting competitiveness and tackling inequality.

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