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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Supreme Court rules on 'named person'

    Swinney commits to roll-out service as legal bid to scrap NP scheme fails.

  2. Sheep support

    Payments commence.

  3. Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

    Lady Smith to lead independent public inquiry.

  4. Scots insolvencies return to trend

    Latest Accountant in Bankruptcy figures show stability following lengthy decline

  5. Personal insolvencies stabilised after a long-term decline

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. Scottish Welfare Fund

    More than 200,000 households helped thanks to scheme.

  7. Scottish Welfare Fund helps nearly 204,000 households

    An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  8. Edinburgh's Festivals worth £313m to Scotland

    Capital festivals attract similar attendance as FIFA World Cup

  9. Options to protect Scotland in EU

    First Minister challenges UK Government to prove the worth of the Union

  10. Scotland's future in the EU

    First Minister speech on protecting Scotland’s interests.

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