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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Swinney accepts inquiry chair resignation

    Proceedings to remove chair for ‘unacceptable’ comments were underway.

  2. EU food and drink exports

    Rural Economy Secretary says European workers crucial to economy.

  3. Sea change

    Helping coastal communities and wildlife flourish.

  4. Junior doctors attracted to Scotland

    More doctors recruited to more training posts.

  5. Protection for EU citizens' rights

    First Minister asks for ‘immediate guarantees’ for EU nationals in Scotland.

  6. Almost £310 million paid to farmers

    More than 17,700 farms have now received a subsidy payment.

  7. Reassurance for EU students

    Free tuition will continue for those enrolled or preparing to study in Scotland.

  8. 100 years on

    Scotland remembers the First World War’s bloodiest battle.

  9. Medical help for Malawi

    Improving the treatment of mental illness.

  10. UK 'reckless' to repeal human rights act

    Constance vows to fight against ‘out of touch’ UK Government.

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