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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Apprenticeship Levy

    Response to the UK Government’s Apprenticeship Levy

  2. Crown Estate in Scotland

    Consultation for establishing interim body to manage Crown Estate.

  3. Changes to water charges

    Non-domestic property charges to be transformed.

  4. Tackling food poverty

    Treating people justly and fairly.

  5. Positive destinations for graduates

    More graduates from Scottish universities going into work or further study.

  6. Protecting Scotland's EU interests

    FM praises the “open doors” of leaders across Europe.

  7. Higher than expected tax receipts

    Finance Secretary’s first update shows devolved taxes up £74 million on estimates.

  8. Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group

    Final report to be published later this year.

  9. Nuisance calls summit

    Scottish Government brings experts together to tackle the problem.

  10. Education Delivery Plan published

    DFM sets out plan to improve performance and close attainment gap.

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