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Showing all 7663 news items

  1. Minister welcomes faster planning decisions

    Annual statistics show decreases in time taken for a decision.

  2. Flexible early learning and childcare

    Local authorities offering more choice for families.

  3. Eradicating child poverty

    New laws to improve life chances for every Scottish child.

  4. Increase in employment levels

    GDP figures show 2.1 per cent growth in economy in 2015.

  5. Output of Scottish economy flat in first quarter

    A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

  6. AiB welcomes insolvency specialists

    Issued on behalf of Accountant in Bankruptcy Advisory Board

  7. Rail strikes

    Transport Minister convenes Scottish Government's resilience committee.

  8. Early intervention in mental health

    Lanarkshire hosts Distress Brief Intervention pilot.

  9. Flood protection for 10,000 homes

    £42 million a year plan over the next decade.

  10. First Minister meets the Prime Minister

    PM “willing to consider options” on EU.

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